
The One Where I Find a Desk in my Apartment

You saw a glimpse of the tiny apartment I call home. But my favorite part in it? That would be the desk that I found waiting in the living room when I came back after a visit to MN. It was just a few days after Christmas: I had taken a 5:00 a.m. flight out of Minneapolis, worked a half-day, and then tiredly stumbled into my dark apartment, dragging my bags after me. I almost dropped everything in surprise when there, waiting for me with a bow on top, sat the desk that I had pinned and asked Michael if we could build one day. While I had been home for Christmas, he found the plans, bought the lumber and spent his Christmas break on a labor of love!

What he didn't realize though, was that he'd have to help me pick a stain for it! We spent countless hours in Home Depot: he'd wander around the store, while I sat staring at samples, swing around to check on me, and would keep on going. Talk about nerve-racking ... I didn't want to mess it up! I finally picked a color, and we tested it out. It was too dark, so when Mom came out for visit, back we went back to Home Depot! Her many years experience in home decor saved the day, and we came home with a beautiful stain. Since I was still scared to touch it, she spent hours working the wood, and bringing it to life.

It's an incredible gift to be loved in tangible ways, isn't it?

(Oh and the shelf that is above it? Another Home Depot project!)


Vermont and Covered Bridges

It's becoming a thing. Nine times out of ten, at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning, there is a black truck parked outside my apartment with a grinning fiancĂ© and a hot thermos of coffee waiting inside. And ninety percent of the time, I have no idea what is coming after I jump into the cab: and I have to admit, that's always the hardest part. I've always had a difficult time giving up control of what's coming next and trusting in what I can't foresee or plan. Our Saturday adventures are becoming lessons in learning to trust that Michael will take care of us, even if I can't see past 'the bend in the road' (literally and figuratively!).

A Saturday in mid March was no exception ... I knew we had plans for a date but didn't know what it involved other than to wear shoes comfortable to walk in. He was waiting for me by 9:00 so of course I walked to the truck by quarter after. After about a half hour I asked him what the 'VT Gifts' stood for on all the billboards that we were passing. He gave me a funny look and waited until the lightbulb turned on in my head when I realized we were crossing into Vermont. I blame my Midwest roots for not recognizing East Coast state abbreviations! We spent the day exploring the tiny town of Manchester, and as the sun set later that afternoon, he made the trip complete by finding us just one of Vermont's many covered bridges. All said and done, I didn't have to worry at all about about what was coming next, but could simply relish in the thoughtfulness and care that was right in front of me.

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